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Many of us may want an outdoor area beautiful enough to win “lawn of the month” in our neighborhoods but may not be sure where to start. Here are a few quick tips to get you started!

 photo gardening.jpg •    Rubbing your hands across a bar of soap will prevent dirt from getting under your nails. One benefit to that is after you are down gardening using a nailbrush to clean up will make your nails sparking clean.

•    Improving your soil! All of your leftovers (orange peels, bananas, etc), also known as, organic matter can improve your soil. Adding 2 to 3 inches of organic matter over dried leaves, manure, or grass clippings can improve your soil by adding back nutrients and density.
•    Before you spread a layer of fresh soil, pull back all of your winter mulch. DID YOU KNOW? Putting layers over winter mulch is harmful to your plants.
 photo mulch.jpg •     Keep mulch handy! We never know when an unexpected freeze will come. By keeping mulch on hand you can protect your plants, covering them with mulch.
•    Plant cool-season plants first. Cool season plants include peas, onions, spinach, and chard. Planting these first will allow for them to mature before the hotter weather. Also, delaying hot season plants will prevent them from being damage by the last cold weather that spring brings.
 photo plants.jpg•    Choose plants specific for your zone. Plants are not only damaged by cold weather but also extremely warm weather. For more information on climate and weather zones visit:
•    Start plants in on the inside, gradually place them in sunlight, and then introduce them to outdoors. Gradually exposing them to different conditions will allow them to live longer and sustain outdoor conditions. For tips on plotted plants visit:
 photo seeds.jpg•    Also, grow plants from seeds.  Growing plants from seeds is easier and less expensive.
•    Saturate your soil all at once to prevent daily watering. Daily watering also isn’t as beneficial. DID YOU KNOW? Daily watering often does not get the chance to reach the plant’s roots and is detrimental to the plant.
•    Rotate your plants! Grow your plants in different spots every day. Growing your plants in the same spot makes your plants susceptible to disease. Diseases can linger in the soil and plant residue. 
•    Pruning and cutting your plants will enhance and promote growth. Don’t know how to prune? Visit:
•    Catch weeds early. The smaller the roots and weeds the easier it is to remove.

All of these ideas will guarantee your lawn to be the best in the neighborhood. Not only will your garden grant you “lawn of the month” but also be less expensive and a time saver.

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